Wednesday, 16 May 2012

A Social Story About Being Grateful (and therefore keeping your mum from losing it)

This is written by one hacked off mum (guess who) who was woken at 7am with '...and can you cut them out, please?'


Sometimes people are kind and thoughtful to me. They might look after me, play with me or make something for me.

This is like when it’s mum’s birthday and I make her a card.

When people put a lot of effort into being nice, it means that they care.

It is really nice if I show that I am grateful that they care and I appreciate the things that other people do for me.

This means stopping to think about the effort that another person has made for me. I might ask myself questions like:

‘Did they take a lot of time doing this for me – more than 10 mins?’
‘Was it difficult to do this for me?’

‘Did they go to a lot of effort?’

‘Have they spent a lot of hours in the day with me?’

‘Have they spent their money to buy me something they think I would like?’

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’ it is really polite to show I am glad.

I can do this by saying: “Thanks! I’m really grateful!”

This will make them feel happy that they have made an effort with me, just like I feel happy when mum says how nice it is that I made a card or painting for her. 

And because they got a big smile and thank-you, they will want to help me again!

I will try to show that I’m grateful every time that someone makes an effort for me.

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