Conversations in our house are getting more interesting these days, on account of Bobby's current special interest in the BBC.
It started off with his interest in the historic analogue/digital switchover, which fascinated him. In particular he liked watching the old announcements just before the analogue signal was switched off. You Tube obliges nicely in this department.
This quickly grew into an interest in all the BBC logos (or idents as they are apparently called). He collects You Tube videos of BBC 2's and likes the one of the 2 as a fluffy duck the best (although the twos flying towards a silver paint pot is a close second). He's even informed me that viewers in Northern Ireland get different BBC 2 idents of their own. Another thing I would never have known were it not for Bobby and his delightfully random interests.
Anyway, the news that BBC Three was to go online wasn't a big shock, but when Gavin implied that they may rebrand it and not call it BBC Three anymore, there was dinner time consternation, followed by a lot of iPad tapping when I suggested that he might like to take it up with the BBC.
I found the BBC's customer services online and realised that his letter had already been prepared.
It read:
Hi, so when BBC Three goes onto computer please DO NOT rebrand it just add new logos if you can. Oh yeah and I'm a child even though I like watching the logos.
ps I've been on a trip to the BBC where you broadcast.
I felt that this might require a brief explanation and so I added a tiny bit of background. When his special interest six years ago was Aquafresh, they sent him some toothpaste. You never know, the BBC may be kind enough to send us some sort of logo poster.
It will make a welcome change from Skylanders.
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