Wednesday 25 April 2012

Brief update at 17.11

No sign of  'special good boy' for Bobby today after he Googled Telly Ads on the laptop (supposed to be doing school work) and was 'bossy' (that's learning support assistant speak for total brat) during computer time.

Walking back to the car, Bobby announces that 'the bad news is, I'm going to have to use your login, because Telly Ads is not on my desktop and I need to Google it.'

Look, PC genius - have you ever heard of the phrase 'Skating on thin ice'?

Actually he has. I had to explain it to him the other day. Far from finding phrases and idioms disconcerting, as many autistic people do, Bobby loves them. This is thanks to Challenge TV's endless repetitions of Catchphrase. Most of Challenge TV's presenters are now dead or met with unfortunate career-limiting experiences. This is of course all part of the fun for Bobby, hearing me say 'Oh - wow - he's not even alive anymore!'

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