Monday 30 July 2012

Independence Skills at The Co-op

Well, I figured if I start Alec young, he may be able to do some useful shopping on his own by the time he's twenty.

So he was in charge of the trolley. This he enjoyed, particularly giving it a hard shove and seeing how far it could make its own way down the aisle. After regaining control and putting the shopping assistant upright, he counted apples into a bag, hunted down the Cheerios in the cereal aisle, selected bread and made a number of convincingly cute noises next to the chocolate.

Yep, it's quicker shopping on your own, but to see the look of pride on his face as he wheeled the trolley out to the car (slightly dicing with death as I charged after him) was very rewarding and this I'd say was a fairly successful trip. Maybe next time we'll use PECS cards to help him locate stuff as well.

Do stuff small, do it gradually and who knows what in ten years time might feel like second nature?

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